Another major feature has just been released. This version of the RayLab adds the ability to model beam splitters. You can model polarizing or non-polarizing cube beam splitters and pellicle beam splitters with adjustable reflectance parameters Rs, Rp.

You can also model partial reflection/refraction at all glass surfaces using the Fresnel equations.

In addition, it is now possible to model interference patterns using the Coherent Detector analysis window.


29 thoughts on “RayLab 4.02 Released

  1. Art

    Very nice product. I really like the real-time feedback. Nice example of what an iPad environment can become with the right developer.

    Question: can a given model have more than one source? I am designing an optical system composed of three lasers and I cannot see how I can add my second and third laser. If it is already possible, I would greatly appreciate a link to the ‘how-to’.


    1. Kamyar Post author

      Apologies for the delay in reply. You can not currently create independently positioned sources. But you can set up Source Arrays. Source Arrays support rectangular, circular, hexapolar, or hexagonal arrangement of sources. Each of the sources in the array will have the same pattern of source points, fan rays and wavelengths.

  2. Nabila

    This is a great App. Is there any chance to have a version for the Mac? This App would be so much more useful than on the iPhone.

    1. Kamyar Post author

      Hi Nabila, The app is much more convenient to use on the iPad than iPhone. I have been tinkering with a Mac version, but it would be a long time before it is ready for release.

  3. Alireza Allahrabbi

    Monthly subscription is bad. Lifetime purchase was better. It is difficult to pay 3.99$ every month to use professional tools.

    1. Kamyar Post author

      I have reestablished the ability to do a lifetime purchase.
      Note that you have to manually cancel subscription in iTunes.

      1. Bastian

        Is this still possible todo a lifetime purchase?

        Best regards

        1. Kamyar Post author

          Yes, you should see it as the 2nd option on the upgrade page, labeled RayLab Pro Bundle.

  4. Michele Limon

    Another vote for a Mac version. It would really fill a void as there aren’t any Optical design/simulation programs under osx. Thanks

  5. Jiayong

    Splitter, I think have some problems. Please fixed.
    I cannot get the beam.

    1. Kamyar Post author

      Hi Justine,
      Have you enabled Ray Splitting feature in System Options? This option is turned off by default. There are two modes of Ray Splitting available. The first only splits rays at surfaces which are defined as beam splitters. The second performs Ray Splitting on every surface according to Fresnel equations. You can look at section 11 of the full user manual for more details. The user manual is now available for download from the top menu of this site.

  6. RayLab fan

    I love RayLab, but now my RayLab freezes and crashes every time I open it. I can’t access my work and can’t use RayLab at all now. I think I might have saved too many models. Any help would be much appreciated! iPhone 7, iOS 12.1.2

  7. Ellen

    This app is awesome! I just wish there is longer wavelength that we can choose, e.g. in mm range. Currently the maximum is only 15,000 nm = 15 microns, and I think this is easy to be improved. Thank you so much!

    1. Kamyar Post author

      Actually, the maximum wavelength was originally around 2000nm, mostly because the index of refraction formulas for the glasses in the catalogs were not designed to be accurate beyond that. I raised it to 15000nm because of a user request. I can raise it further, but all bets are off when it comes to the formulas for n in the glass catalogs. Could I ask what your application is? What is the maximum wavelength range that you need? Does it matter that the glass catalogs are not valid in that range?

  8. Douglas Martin

    This is a great app. Can I ask a strange question? How do I manually specify the position of one surface relative to another? I’m trying to keep an aperture at the same position as the front surface of a lens, and each time I move the lens, I have to go and move the aperture manually as well.

    1. Kamyar Post author

      Hi Douglas,
      There is a way to do this, but it is a bit of a round about mechanism.
      1. First create a model containing the lens and the aperture which you want to move together.
      2. Exit the above model, and create a new model. Then use + button, but instead of adding an individual element, scroll down to ‘Elements From existing Models’ and select the combined subsystem you created in step 1.
      3. The subsystem is inserted into your new model along with a special surface which is a coordinate reference. Moving the special surface will move the lens and aperture together. You can also move each of those elements relative to the coordinate reference.

      1. Douglas

        Thanks, Kamyar! At least one more question (and do let me know if there is a better way to ask these): Can I break that relative position link for a an existing model?

        1. Kamyar Post author

          Hi Douglas,
          The relative links which connect the back surface of a lens to the front can’t be broken. Same is true with the secondary surfaces of triplets, prisms, etc.
          But for the subsystems which I described in the previous response, you can delete the coordinate reference surface and thus make all the subsystem components independent.

  9. Jason Childers

    Can you add axicon lenses in raylab? I’m in desperate need of axicon simulation as soon as possible.

  10. rydel


    Awesome software, in particulare the possibility to simulate interferometer. A windows version will be welcome !


    1. Kamyar Post author

      Yes. You can still find it in the AppStore for iPhone and iPad.

  11. Simon

    Can you add filters in Raylab, long pass, bandpass, dichroic filters?

    1. Kamyar Post author

      Simon, I’ll add this to list of possible future enhancements, but I am currently focused on other features.

  12. Myron

    Hi Kamyar,
    Great product – but I now wish to upgrade my 7 year old iPad to an iPad Pro to handle more complex models so how may I save and transfer my models over to my new iPad?

    1. Kamyar Post author

      Hi Myron,
      Unfortunately at the moment RayLab does not support transferring models between devices. I have been attempting to implement this capability but it does not work yet, and I don’t know when it will be available.

  13. Myron

    Thanks for the quick reply Kamyar. One last question – if I get my new iPad Pro and install a backup of all my apps on it from my iCloud iPad backup, will that bring along all of my models too? (seems to be my only route of transferring model files to an upgraded iPad – let me know if this works as this is part of my decision on upgrading to the latest iPad Pro)

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